Raman Microscope

Raman Microscope M532/785
Raman Microscope M532/785 unprecedented power and flexibility for a great variety of demands, including rapid and nondestructive analysis and diagnostics in research laboratories across chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biology, material science and geology fields.

Raman Microscope M785
Raman Microscope RamMics M785 is an optical spectral instrument with specialized software for getting enlarged images of small details of sample structures, and also for measurement of spectral characteristics of samples by acquiring Raman scattering and photoluminescence.

Raman Microscope M1064
RamMics M1064® Raman Microscope integrates the opportunities of the EnSpectr R1064®Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX43 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.

EnSpectr MicroKit® turns your standard microscope into a full-range micro Raman system. EnSpectr MicroKit® is a complete solution that enables highly precise measurements of unique Raman spectral characteristics.

Raman Microscope M532
Raman Microscope RamMics M532® integrates the capabities of EnSpectr R532® Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX-43/BX51 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.

MixSplitter automatically scans powder mixtures and identifies their composition ensuring up to 0.1% contaminant identification