Chemical industry – Enspectr — enhanced spectromentry

Chemical industry

Raman spectroscopy is a perfect solution for numerous issues in chemical industry:

  • Incoming and outgoing material inspection and certification
  • Polymers: correlation of physical and chemical properties (molecular weight, viscosity, glass transition temperature, etc.) with Raman spectra
  • Identification and analysis of petrochemical products
  • Identification of resins, petrochemicals and commodity chemicals

Relevant products

Handheld Raman Spectrometer
RaPort 1064

The only model which can identify the most challenging drugs like MDMA pills, YaBa pills, brown heroin, etc.

Raman Microscope
Raman Microscope M785

Raman Microscope RamMics M785 is an optical spectral instrument with specialized software for getting enlarged images of small details of sample structures, and also for measurement of spectral characteristics of samples by acquiring Raman scattering and photoluminescence.

Raman Spectrometer

EnSpectr L405® sets new records at blue-violet wavelengths. It is a unique luminescent analyzer that combines highest resolution and superior sensitivity in a compact design.

Raman Spectrometer

EnSpectr R532® is a unique instrument that combines the advantage of a portable probe system with the performance of a highly specified laboratory instrument.

Raman Microscope
Raman Microscope M532

Raman Microscope RamMics M532®  integrates the capabities of EnSpectr R532® Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX-43/BX51 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.

Raman Spectrometer
IR Raman Analyzer R1064

EnSpectr R1064® is a unique instrument that enables to obtain Raman spectra in those applications where the Raman scattering signal is largely exceeded by fluorescence.

Handheld Raman Spectrometer

Enable identification of various chemical compounds in extremely low quantities (up to several molecules)

Handheld Raman Spectrometer
RaPort Pro

Express-analyzer Raman portable RaPort Pro in a new design with great possibilities