Raman Microscope M1064

RamMics M1064® Raman Microscope integrates the opportunities of the EnSpectr R1064®Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX43 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.


  1. Special TE cooling system ensures acquisition of low noise spectra
  2. Non-contact real-time identification


  1. Precisely tailored to customer’s requirements
  2. Fast and trustworthy results
  3. Easy to use

Raman Microscope RamMics M1064® integrates the opportunities of the EnSpectr R1064®Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX43 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.


The wide functionality of RamMics M1064® allows distinguishing particles of 2-3 µm in size and differentiating them from those with other chemical and physical properties, which opens multiple research prospects within a single Raman system.


Excellent spatial resolution of 1 µm and spectral resolution 10-12 cm-1  provide precise quality of measurements and repeatability. Due to its compact design and portability, RamMics M1064® ensures high quality in-situ results with minimum expenses and proves to be a truly indispensable tool for various applications.


Equipped with a motorized sample stage with a step from 0.36 µm (option), RamMics M1064® turns into the world’s most cost-effective micro-Raman system for automatic 2D mapping.


RamMics M1064® is a unique instrument that enables to view objects whose Raman scattering signal is largely exceeded by fluorescence.


RamMics M1064® enables application of infrared (IR) and Raman microspectroscopy in fields as diverse as forensic science, biomedical science, catalysis, and polymers and view objects whose Raman scattering signal is largely exceeded by fluorescence. With RamMics M1064® you can easily analyze colored polymers, oils, dyes, plant biomass, biological tissue, edible oils, petrochemicals, etc.


Excitation at 1064 nm virtually eliminates background for pigment-rich tissues and other highly autofluorescent materials. Though the Raman signal is much weaker, the elimination of background facilitates peak detection.


Most paint and ink, and even some white paper, are highly fluorescent under visible laser illumination. Again, the 1064-nm Raman system produces high-quality, signature-rich Raman spectra for these samples. When coupled with a microscope, the system is converted to a powerful tool to provide direct chemical mapping of samples at the micro-scale.


Raman microscopy is ideally suited to study variations of cellular composition on the scale of subcellular organelles, since its spatial resolution is as good as that of fluorescence microscopy. Both techniques exhibit the fingerprint sensitivity of vibrational spectroscopy toward biochemical composition, and can be used to follow a variety of cellular processes.


With RamMics M1064® you can easily analyze colored polymers, oils, dyes, plant biomass, biological tissue, edible oils, petrochemicals, etc.


Excitation at 1064 nm virtually eliminates background for pigment-rich tissues and other highly autofluorescent materials. Though the Raman signal is much weaker, the elimination of background facilitates peak detection.


RamMics M1064® is now the only portable device on the market which can see the water Raman line using a 1064 nm laser owing to its record wide spectral range. This makes it a comprehensive tool for analysis of liquids through transparent and semitransparent packaging.


RamMics M1064® combines the advantage of a portable probe system with performance of a highly specialized laboratory instrument. Real-time and accurate identification of an unknown substance is achieved by comparing its unique Raman spectrum of molecular vibration (molecular “fingerprint”) to Raman spectra of reference substances stored in the spectral database.


RamMics M1064® performs identification through sealed packages, transparent bottles, vials and ampoules. The ease of use, single-hand operation, small size and weight of RamMics M1064® enables analysis of chemical substances at the point of receipt, use or delivery. Results are displayed within dozen seconds and can be accessed via the intuitive user interface. The data are retrieved remotely via the USB port.


Most paint and ink, and even some white paper, are highly fluorescent under visible laser illumination. Again, the 1064-nm Raman system produces high-quality, signature-rich Raman spectra for these samples. When coupled with a microscope, the system is converted to a powerful tool to provide direct chemical mapping of samples at the micro-scale. By way of example, this is particularly useful for finding and identifying trace evidence for forensic analysis.

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