Forensics – Enspectr – spectrométrie améliorée


Drug addiction has reached epidemic levels across the globe with approximately 250 million drug users worldwide and narcotic traffic keeps increasing. Law enforcement agencies have to search for new and reliable tools of counteraction against narcotics distribution. Every year a new type of drug is developed: the range of wide-spread narcotics like methamphetamines, heroin and cocaine, has been supplemented with new MDMA (ecstasy) and designer drugs (synthetic cathinones).

Instant in-field analysis

Enhanced Spectrometry solutions are designed to meet the needs of law enforcement agencies and contribute to control of narcotics distribution. RaPort, a portable Raman handheld spectrometer, enables quick and precise identification of all major groups of drugs (except herbals) securing instant result and immediate reaction. The embedded spectral library of RaPort contains dozens of narcotics including methamphetamines, synthetic cathinones, other narcotics and their precursors.

Within a few seconds RaPort  scans narcotic substances in form of liquids, powders, gels, tablets and capsules and instantly identifies their content without destroying the package and avoiding direct contact. Due to RaPort superb sensitivity the laser power of 12 mW is perfectly sufficient to rapidly acquire a high quality spectrum from a single piece of substance. Up to 6 hours of autonomous operation make the instrument highly recommended for  in-field analysis.

Hidden narcotics: Analysis of residues

EnSpectr software supports the unique function of the Search match mode: continuously measuring substance,  a specific drug. RaPort identifies pieces of substance at a concentration as low as 1%. Raman Microscope RamMics enables even more accurate identification of component concentration, and below 1%, with MixSplitter technology. The MixSplitter complex analyzes each mixture grain and numerically characterizes each mixture component.

Relevant products

Raman Spectrometer

EnSpectr L405® sets new records at blue-violet wavelengths. It is a unique luminescent analyzer that combines highest resolution and superior sensitivity in a compact design.

Raman Spectrometer

EnSpectr R532® is a unique instrument that combines the advantage of a portable probe system with the performance of a highly specified laboratory instrument.

Raman Microscope
Raman Microscope M532

Raman Microscope RamMics M532®  integrates the capabities of EnSpectr R532® Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX-43/BX51 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.

Raman Microscope

MixSplitter automatically scans powder mixtures and identifies their composition ensuring up to 0.1% contaminant identification

Handheld Raman Spectrometer

Enable identification of various chemical compounds in extremely low quantities (up to several molecules)