Rapid Analysis of Polymers by RaPort One – Enspectr — enhanced spectromentry

Rapid Analysis of Polymers by RaPort One

Raman spectroscopy is the essential method for quick and accurate identification of polymers that significantly contributes to better product quality control. While at the moment there is a number of ways that help to evaluate the quality of incoming materials e.g. analysis of substance’s stiffness, hardness, or flammability, these are usually time-consuming and destructive approaches.Handheld Raman analyzer RaPort One® by Enhanced Spectrometry, Inc. is capable of in-situ plastics identification in just a few seconds and requires no sample preparation or invasive activity. Precise real-time analysis is crucial for the implementation of efficient recycling programs, material aging studies, consumer goods safety control etc.

EnSpectr RaPort One Specification

Spectral range140-4000 cm-1
Spectral resolution6-8 cm-1
Spatial resolution>50 µm
UsabilityUtmost mobility
  • High-quality results outside the lab: in-field inspection of various polymer types, identification and verification of material quality, detection of composites and additives
  • Rapid analysis: time per measurement < 3 seconds
  • Superb delicacy and sensitivity: even with laser power of 12 mW and less (which is crucial in case of temperature unstable materials) RaPort One perfectly acquires polymers spectrum with high speed and extra quality
  • RaPort One guarantees non-destructive approach
  • Instant data at your fingertips: Built-in work screen with the EnSpectr PRO Software. Data transmission via Bluetooth
  • Long battery life (12 hours of battery life!)