Applied materials science – Enspectr – espectrometría mejorada

Applied materials science

Raman spectroscopy is ideal technique to address following issues:

  • Luminescence spectrum analysis of low dimensional heterostructures
  • Quantitate measurement of quality of heterostructures, electron density, distribution of electrons through multiple

Relevant products

Raman Spectrometer

EnSpectr R532® is a unique instrument that combines the advantage of a portable probe system with the performance of a highly specified laboratory instrument.

Raman Microscope
Raman Microscope M532

Raman Microscope RamMics M532®  integrates the capabities of EnSpectr R532® Raman Analyzer Scientific Edition and Olympus BX-43/BX51 microscope adapted both for transmission and reflection measurements.

Raman Spectrometer
IR Raman Analyzer R1064

EnSpectr R1064® is a unique instrument that enables to obtain Raman spectra in those applications where the Raman scattering signal is largely exceeded by fluorescence.